Monday, January 13, 2020
Engro Foods
Contents About engro foods3 value proposition3 olpers3 olwell milk (a low fat milk by olpers, engro foods)4 olfrute juice4 tarang4 omore5 segmentation5 what is segmentation†¦.. 5 basis for segmentation:5 segmentation for olper’s5 olper,s product range6 segmentation for olper’s:7 positioning for olper’s8 what is positioning†¦.. 8 positioning process:8 competitive advantage12 continuous improvement12 quality control12 pr with farmers13 third-generation plant13 engro’s promotion mix tools13 advertising13 sales promotions15 public relations16 personal selling17 direct marketing18 basic tactics used18 customer relationship management18 customer relationship management in engro foods18 customers touch points19 reducing the customer defection rate22 building loyalty22 references24 about engro food  Engro stands for â€Å"energy for growth†. From inception, ours is a legacy of continuous growth, new challenges and fulfilled promises. From fertilizers to dairy products, business solutions to PVC resin, power generation to commodity trade, at Engro our ambition is to become the premier Pakistani enterprise with a global reach.Engro Foods Limited is subsidiary of Engro Chemical Pvt. Ltd. which is one of the most reputed enterprises in Pakistan with more than 40 years of diversified business operations in the areas of fertilizer and chemicals. Engro Chemicals, formerly known as Exxon, was taken oven by the employees and reamed Engro. Since then, it has diversified into many fields owning and operating subsidiaries like Engro Asahi, Eng ro Vopak, Engro Pak tank, Engro Chemicals and Engro Foods. Engro Foods started its business operations in March 2006 and it hasn’t looked back ever since its inception.Within a very short span of 2 years, it has become the house of four quality dairy milk brands: Olpers Milk, Tarang, Olwell, and Olpers cream. Engro Foods has already set up two processing plants at Sukkur and Sahiwal. VALUE PROPOSITION A value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered and a belief from the customer of value that will be experienced. A value proposition can apply to an entire organization, or parts thereof, or customer accounts, or products or services. Engro Foods Ltd. is delivering value to customers by offering following productsOLPERS [pic] OLWELL MILK (A LOW FAT MILK BY OLPERS, ENGRO FOODS) OLFRUTE JUICE [pic] TARANG [pic] OMORE [pic] SEGMENTATION WHAT IS SEGMENTATION†¦.. â€Å"The process of defining and subdividing a large homogenous market into clearly id entifiable segments having similar needs, wants, or demand characteristics. †BASIS FOR SEGMENTATION: The following are the basis for segmentation: [pic] SEGMENTATION FOR OLPER’S It is difficult for any one company to engage in mass production, mass distribution and mass promotion for its product.The complexities arise from the proliferation of advertising and distribution channels and the high costs associated with reaching a mass audience. Therefore, companies segment the market so that they can target the group of customers who share similar needs and wants. The milk sector shows a market that has homogeneous preferences that is the consumers have similar preferences. They want milk to be white, carefully processed, and good for health and bones. Keeping these things in mind Engro segmented its market.The marketers at Engro have had a number of options available to them when segmenting the market for their products. Engro Olper’s products include: [pic] OLPER, S PRODUCT RANGE SEGMENTATION FOR OLPER’S: Geographic Segmentation: Engro Geographically segmented its market on the basis of: †¢ Region: Engro segmented its market for the â€Å"South East†region. †¢ Country: Engro segmented its market in â€Å"Pakistan†country. †¢ Province: Engro targeted its consumers all over the Pakistan but mostly in the â€Å"Punjab†province. Demographic Segmentation:Engro divided its market on the basis of demographically as: †¢ Age: Engro Olper’s products are for the all age of people like for children youngsters and olders. †¢ Gender: Engro did not segment its market on the gender basis. Every person can use it either male or female because there is no gender discrimination. †¢ Family: Olper’s products serve the family which has 3 to 5 members. †¢ Income: Brand calls for a small percentage of an individual’s income but lower class wouldn’t want to buy the brand may be because they are price sensitive. Psychographic Segmentation:Engro psycho-graphically segmented its market on the basis of: †¢ Social class: The brand is meant for all the users in higher upper or middle class families and it targets a specific social class who are health conscious and concerned about their weight. †¢ Life style: Olper’s have segmented the market more towards achievers who are goal-oriented and want to recognize themselves by others. For example the ads for Olwell mostly show achievers who want to be successful, have high aims and are already doing quite well in their concerned fields. Personality: The Olper’s products have targeted experiencers because the company has given them a new set of brand and so many will make their first purchase because they want to try something new. Olper’s ads also target believers, traditional conservative people with concrete beliefs. The ads for Olper’s show the beliefs of healthy life with processed milk and plays on the emotional aspect more. Behavioral Segmentation: Engro Behaviorally segmented its market on the basis of: †¢ Benefits: Olper’s products have been segmented on the basis of benefits that consumers seek in the milk.In this case, people look for a brand that can be used for all purposes from drinking to tea whiteners as well to feed the animals. †¢ Loyalty: Engro segment its market on the basis of loyality status by finding some hard core loyal persons in the milk sector which are also price sensitive or want variety and on the basis of price they will be switch from other established brands like Haleeb, Nestle etc. POSITIONING FOR OLPER’S WHAT IS POSITIONING†¦.. â€Å"Positioning is defined as the act of designing the company's offering and image to occupy a distinctive place in the target market's mind. POSITIONING PROCESS: The effective positioning process involves: [pic] Defining the competitive frame of reference: Compet itive frame of reference involves: †¢ Identifying the direct competitors of brand. †¢ Position of these competitors in market. †¢ Level of competition. Identifying the direct competitors: Before positioning a brand company must understand who the main competitors are? For example Engro main competitors: †¢ Haleeb †¢ Nestle Position of competitors: Company must analyze and understand the position of their competitors that either their position is strong or weak.For example the both competitors of Engro are strong and have a tremendous market place. Level of competition: Company also identifying the level of competition that at what level it competes with its competitors. The level of competition involves: †¢ At product type level †¢ At product category level †¢ At product class level For example, Engro competes at all levels as: †¢ As at the product type level Olper’s compete with the Nestle milk pack and Haleeb dairy queen. †¢ As at the product category level Olper’s categories like Olper’s Olwell competes with Nestle Nesvita and Haleeb Skimz. As at the product class level it compete with all dairy products as Engro dairy products are compete with all dairy products of Nestle and Haleeb. Establishing the points of difference: Companies establish the points of difference which are the attributes or benefit those consumers strongly associate with a brand, positively evaluate, and believe that they could not find to the same extent in the competitive brand. The point of differences for the Engro dairy products are: Olper’s milk: †¢ Packaging of Olper’s milk in Red color which is quite different from competitors Green and Blue color packaging. Engro used the attribute positioning for Olper’s milk. The main theme of the product is that it is meant for all purposes without any user imagery. Olper’s ads also show attributes of milk such as good for health. †¢ The unique selling proposition for Olper’s is based on tag line: â€Å"Subah Bakhair Zindagi†, but recently the company changed the USP to: â€Å"Jo dil khol kay jeetay hain unheen kay liyay hai Olper’s†. Both the tag lines have a very positive impact on Olper’s image because of the emotions involved in both the lines. Olper’s cream: †¢ Packaging of Olper’s cream in Purple color which is different from competitors. Engro position Olper’s cream for a specific use or application. Because the Olper’s cream used to make the dishes in which cream is necessary like cakes, ice cream. †¢ The unique selling proposition for Olper’s cream is based on tagline â€Å"Life’s a Dessert†with the message of ad that â€Å"Creams of all Creams†. Olper’s Olwell: †¢ Packaging of Olper’s Olwell in Red color which distinguish it from competitors. †¢ Engro used the benefit positionin g for Olwell. The product is positioned as High calcium, low fat product. †¢ The unique selling proposition for Olper’s Olwell is based on tag line â€Å"†¦.. o you’re unstoppable†and with the message â€Å"Stop ageging†. Olper’s Owsum: †¢ Packaging of Owsum designed in a highly detailed comic book style and each packaging has a different world with respect to each flavor describing different story in each one. †¢ Engro use the specific positioning as Owsum flavored milk is for the children from 9 to 12 years age. It is the first time a company target this age group children. †¢ The unique selling proposition for Olper’s Owsum is based on tag line â€Å"Kill the Milk Monster†and the message of ad â€Å"Flavored milk socked out the simple milk†. Establish the points of parity:Companies establish the points of parity which are attributes or benefits which are not necessarily unique to the brand, and als o shared with other brands. The point of parity for the Engro dairy products are: †¢ Engro provides high quality to its customers, which same to its competitors Nestle and Haleeb because these companies also focus on high quality. †¢ Engro cover the whole country of Pakistan and its competitors also covers the all areas of Pakistan. †¢ Both the appearance and packaging of Engro products is very attractive. Its competitors packaging and appearance is also very attractive. Engro run its advertising on different channels like T. V, Radio, Newspapers and billboards. Nestle and Haleeb which are the competitors of Engro are also using the same channels. †¢ Engro used the 6 layered Tetra Pack packaging for its products. Nestle and Haleeb also using the same packaging technique. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Competitive advantage means strategic advantage one business entity has over its rival entities within its competitive industry. Achieving competitive advantage strengthe ns and positions a business better within the business environment.Engro foods Ltd. has many advantages over its competitors which are given below. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT The Engro foods continuously improve itself which is the major edge of Engro foods over its competitors. Feedback and its integration in the supply chain are essential to the continuous improvement of an organization that places so much importance on supply chain management. Engro Foods ensures feedback is obtained from all possible sources. As a result, contact is maintained with distributors regarding the consumers’ reaction or any complaints that they may have.In fact, any bad products or bad batches of products, if the consequence of any supply chain management glitches, are accepted back by the company and exchanged for new good stock free of cost. Feedback is also collected directly from the consumers via the company website, which allows consumers to lodge any complaints, put forward any queries, or j ust drop by their comments. The same information is also collected through the presence of the company address and phone number on all the packages, thus making the organization very accessible to the consumers. QUALITY CONTROLEngro Foods is committed to providing the best quality of products to the consumers at the lowest possible costs. In other words, it is a company that believes in the virtues of cost leadership and its prioritization for quality maintenance and control is reflected in stringent quality checks that are carried out both before and after the processing of the milk. Before Processing Quality control procedures are introduced right at the point of milk collection that is at the milk collection centers. Lab tests are conducted in order to check the milk for any adulteration and in fact the dhodhis are also educated to avoid adulteration of milk.An expert is stationed at these MCCs to ensure that the tests are conducted properly. Once the milk is approved and dispatc hed within 6 hours to either the Sahiwal or Sukkur plant, the next Quality check is carried out right at the time of milk reception at the plant where it is once again examined by qualified Chemists and Micro Biologists by conducting various tests. It is only after the milk clears certain tests that the Quality Control department accepts it and transfers it to the cooling plants. After Processing Quality control experts are involved throughout the production process.After the packaging process is complete, Quality control resurfaces this time not only to ensure that the packages are sterilized but also to ensure that the milk packages are of the prescribed weight. And after a final approval, the milk products are considered fit for delivery and transferred to the warehouse. The organization strives to achieve even better and better quality of the products which is why it collaborates with various research agencies to work on the development of the products. PR WITH FARMERS ENGRO has been interacting with the farmers for fertilizers and has gained quite a good reputation over the years.It has led to a strong bond and long term relationship with the farmers who are willing to supply milk to the company. This is an added advantage and strength for the company because it will never be short of milk production. The farmers also won’t have to look elsewhere to sell their milk. THIRD-GENERATION PLANT EFL only, has the third-generation UHT milk plant in the country. EFL plant is the only plant in Pakistan that uses Bactofuge technology to virtually eliminate bacteria and ensure premium quality and hygiene.Moreover, it is also setting up another milk processing plant in Central Punjab (Sahiwal) with an investment of Rs. 2 billion (US $ 33 million). ENGRO’S PROMOTION MIX TOOLS ADVERTISING Engro Foods Ltd. is always quite smart in exploring various mediums and reaching out to the maximum in an effective way. For instance, spreading the art of happiness via decorating of Lahore with flowers in the launch phase, putting colorful streamers, Omore’ bloopers on TV channels. Omore is active in doing advertising since its launch.They believe that strong and effective advertisement is essential for product success. They have used their punch line â€Å"The Art of Happiness†since the start to expose and create brand image in the mind of the customers. This will also induce a desire for buying a product as in the ads they have shown that if you want to be happy, eat Omore. The followings are the advertisement vehicles used by Engro for the promotion of its Omore and other milk products product. Print & Broadcasting Ads Omore has conveyed their message of happiness, joy, fun and pleasure through their TV and print ads.The creative are so colorful and vibrant to support their slogan of happiness with the catchy jingle attached to it. They have broadcasted their ads on all the major TV channels, FM radio and social media like Fac ebook, Twitter, and Orkut and for print they have gone in all major magazines and newspapers. Packaging Outer Engro used the colorful packaging with product picture and name along with nutrition indigents and contact information. The color also helped to enhance the in-store visibility and presence for its Olper’s packaged milk, and the brand was instantly disassociated from its competition.The brand also worked to ensure it established an image of being a healthy and natural product. Its optimistic and vibrant tag lineâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"Good Morning Life†â€â€along with the unique red color, became the soul of the Olper’s brand identity across various media outlets. Brochures & Booklets Brochures and booklets were distributed outside the big famous marts at the time of launching. Posters & Leaflets Product promotion posters were placed outside the stores like ice pops, choc stick etc. At the time of launching leaflets were showered from aircrafts in different are as of cities.Billboards To promote the Omore brand, Engro placed it on billboards at all the major intersection in different cities like Lahore, Karachi, Multan, Islamabad and Peshawar. It is the visual representation of the product by showing the customer a slice from their own lives, something to which they can refer when they are going to buy a product. Billboard is an expensive media but can reach a wide range of customer and is high in creating awareness. Point Of Purchase Displays Engro placed Omore carts outside all the major malls/marts and grocery stores at the time of launching it.Audiovisual Material Jingle and music used by Engro for its products are so strong through which people easily recognize its products. The simple and classy tune of OLPER’s and the tag line called out loud i. e. â€Å"SUBHA BAKHAIR ZINDAGI†was easily identifiable by 90% of the targeted audience. It means that the uniqueness of the sound remains in the mind of the consumers. Symbols & Logos To promote the Omore, Engro used the symbols related to happiness, joy and fun. Their logo is oval in shape with pink inside and white outside. SALES PROMOTIONSSales promotion is a variety of short term incentive to encourage trial or purchase of product. When used effectively, sales promotions can help to move old stock, counteract competitor activity, merchandise new products, encourage repeat buying and motivate your staff. They can also be monitored, so the success of a particular sales promotion can be measured over time. It is a good way of attracting new customers. The type of promotion selected also has to be relevant to the target customers as well as the company’s own marketing objectives.Contest, Games & Sweepstakes Omore has conducted contest and sweepstakes to attract customers and make them start liking the product. They have done it before launching it in Punjab and now in Karachi, they have conducted morning shows on Hum TV. Omore has launched an inte ractive application on its Facebook fun page which allows the users to participate in a weekly drawing contest. Sampling Sampling was done by Omore at the time of launch in all the major cities to increase the customer awareness and also create the liking of the product. EntertainmentJingle and music is so important and strong that people recognize Omore with it. Trade In Allowance Omore gives 16% trade allowance to all the retailers and wholesalers. PUBLIC RELATIONS Public relations (or PR) involve a sustained attempt to develop the reputation as a business by using the media to help create the image the company desire. It is a way of keeping the business in your customer’s eyes. News or press releases can be distributed to the media to announce, for example, new product launches, a change in opening times or company successes.Articles can be distributed to trade journals or local newspapers, and sponsorship or charitable donations can help to position a company business mor e prominently in the market place than competitors. Attendance at exhibitions and seminars can also help to promote the image of the company to a chosen target audience Charitable Donations An Engro food has also proved itself to be a socially responsible company in many ways. For example when our nation faced a major catastrophic in the form of the floods which shook the foundation of our country.Engro foods stood firm in its commitment to the social causes and provided the financial help, food and shelter through the help of various relief organizations. Sponsorship Omore have sponsored several TV programs, morning shows and cricket matches. Publications Omore has done publication which reflects its vision and objectives in the short and long run. They have provided information on how the Omore ice cream goes about its operations and how Omore ice cream nutritious because it uses pure dairy products as compared to the competitors.PERSONAL SELLING Personal selling is face to face i nteraction with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making presentations, answering questions and purchase orders. This is the most effective form of promotion because it allows your approach to be tailored to the needs of an individual customer. Getting a sale is ultimately extremely important, but the process involves a lot more than this. It is about having a constructive dialogue with customers to listen to their needs, promote product & company enefits on an individual basis, answer any questions, resolve any problems and get their feedback before clinching a sale. Face-to-face, a sales person can build a relationship with the customer- understanding their needs and feeding back this knowledge to the business to improve products, customer service standards, competitor knowledge etc. Employing a sales person is a costly exercise in the first instance, but it is one that will provide a pay back, usually within 1-2 years. Sales Presentation Omore is selling their products via charts. Incentive ProgramsOmore has given refrigerators to its retailers for their ice cream products. It also gives 16% trade allowance to all the retailers and wholesalers as an incentive. Incentives also include branding of store on achievements of target sales. Fair & Trade Shows Omore has conducted a beach festival to gain the attention of customer and make them aware of the product in Karachi. They also conducted Basant festival in Punjab. DIRECT MARKETING Direct marketing consists of mail, telephone, fax, email or internet to communicate directly with or solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects.Direct marketing is not used by Omore because the product is already easily available. Another reason of not using this tool is that mostly people in Pakistan are unaware of purchasing products through these channels. BASIC TACTICS USED Engro foods in most of advertisements used association as basic tactic and associate their product with particu lar atmosphere and circumstances in the Olpers advertisement they relate the product with the environment of home where they show that everybody in the home require pure milk which is Olpers.In the omore advertisement they show that when the person uses omore he moves into an imaginary environment which is very excited for him so they associate their product with that environment. In olfrute advertisement they show an excited family in which everyone wants balance in diet so they need juice and associate their product with a situation when there is need of balance in diet then olfrute should be used with the normal diet. So here also association is used as basic tactic. CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENTCustomer relationship management is the process of carefully managing detailed information about individual customers and all customer touch points to maximize customer loyalty. â€Å"Consumer is the reason for our existence as a business. †CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT IN E NGRO FOODS According to engro foods view, CRM consists of: †¢ Helping olpers to enable its marketing departments to identify and target their best customers, manage marketing campaigns and generate quality leads for the sales team. Assisting olpers to improve account and sales management by optimizing information shared by multiple employees, and streamlining existing processes. †¢ Allowing the formation of individualized relationships with customers, with the aim of improving customer satisfaction and maximizing profits; identifying the most profitable customers and providing them the highest level of service. †¢ Providing olpers employees with the information and processes necessary to know their customers, understand and identify customer needs and effectively build relationships between the company, its customer base, and distribution partners.CUSTOMERS TOUCH POINTS Customer touch point is any occasion on which customers encounters the brand and product. Following are the customers touch points which Olper’s uses for catering to the relationship of its customers: Marketing Value Addition †¢ Float Activity †¢ Banners †¢ Road Show†¢ T. V Commercials †¢ Rural Melas †¢ Buntings †¢ Buchat Bazars †¢ Posters †¢ Institutional promotions †¢ New Articles †¢ Free Samplings †¢ Vehicle Branding †¢ Chain store Promotions †¢ Gala Event Management †¢ Carnivals †¢ Music Concerts †¢ Funfair Marketing Float ActivityOne way that Engro foods and Olpers have chosen to interact with their customer is Float Activity. Olpers have been launching promotional activities all the time and according to them this float activity proved to be very effective to keep in touch with their customers. Road Shows In the summer of 2009 when Engro foods launched their new product line of Dairy Ice Cream Omore initially in Lahore the whole city was decorated with different road side banners and place cards. This is a traditional Engro food way to keep in touch with their customer and also to promote their new product.According to Olpers Road shows are a very easy yet effective way to keep in touch with customers. Rural Melas Since Pakistan is a country with most of its population still living in rural areas, Olpers decided to reach those potential consumers with a different approach and they arranged different rural side Melas in which they can easily state their point and make the potential customers a loyal customer Bachat Bazars Bachat Bazars are very common in Pakistan and since this is a trend in the market Engro foods used this way to reach to its existing customers and also targeted new customers in this 1-2-1 marketing way.Free Sampling To promote and let the people who have not yet tested the product companies use the technique called free sampling. And Engro foods have done free sampling to make sure that people are aware of the product and also to get the feed back out of the customers to make sure if there are any lags in the product. Chain Store Promotions Another 1-2-1 way of marketing technique that Engro foods have adopted to create effective touch point with their customer is by putting their brand in all the chain store in Pakistan in this way people can have access easily to the product and they do not have to look for the product.Event Management Carnivals Engro foods have worked their way in the customer’s heart by knowing them in every way. They try to promote their products and make sure that their product is available in carnivals and all special events that are taking place Music Concert Omore Ice cream launch was unique in its kind as they had music concert with leading Bands of Pakistan performing in these concerts. Since they feel like sponsoring such events creates a good way to interact with their customers Fun FairOne way to have direct contact with the customer is to promote different fun fair all over the coun try. This way existing customer and new customer both are easily targeted. Value Addition Banners An effective way to add customer value towards the product is to display banners and bill boards all over the city so that customer are aware of their brand and make them feel proud about their brand. T. V Commercials T. V commercials are very effective and excellent way to promote the product and also to increase the value of customers.It’s easy way to reach the customers mind and create a positive image towards a brand. Posters Posters are cheap and easy to display way to reach into customers mind and create a positive view of the brand and also to increase the value a customer holds towards the product and Engro food have worked hard to gain this position REDUCING THE CUSTOMER DEFECTION RATE It is not enough, however, to attract new customers the company must keep them and Increase their businesses. To reduce the customer defection rate OLPERS position the brand in a way that the customer prefer only Olpers products.Positioning involves designing the product and image that will occupy a distinctive place in the minds of the target market. As can e seen, nestle milk pack, and Haleeb have the largest profit margins and market share in the milk industry. Thus the marketers at Olpers have to decide to create its own unique image and then strengthen the position in the customers mind. They have done a number of following steps: 1. Packaging of Olper’s milk and Olwell in red color and Olpers cream in purple color are quite different and distinctive from the typical green and blue packing used by other competitors. . The brand has been positioned as an all purpose milk that is meant for everyone, especially for those who live life to the fullest, hence its tag line, â€Å"jo dil khol kay jeetay hain unheen kay liyay hai Olper’s†BUILDING LOYALTY Creating a long tight connection to customers is the dream of any marketer & key to long term ma rketing success. Olpers build loyality of customers towards its products in the following way: 1. As compared to Milk pack and Haleeb Olpers have advantage over its touch points which create a strong loyalty of customers towards Olpers. 2.One way that Olpers have adopted to gather the feedback and build strong relation with their customers is that they have asked their customers to contact and give suggestions that are listened. 3. Olpers works in the heart of its customers by knowing what is special for them. Like in Ramadan Olpers introduce and promote the traditional Ramadan theme so that the 4. Customers who value their religious heritage they are more attracted and so that in long term they are much more loyal customers towards the brand. 5. The marketers have used different positioning for Olper’s products: a.They have used the attribute positioning for Olper’s milk. The main theme of the product is that it is meant for all purposes without any user imagery. Olpe r’s ads also show attributes of milk such as good for health. b. They used the benefit positioning for Olwell. The product is positioned as delivering the benefit of helping to reduce weight and for healthy bones. c. Olper’s cream is positioned as good for a specific use or application. In this case the cream can be used to make cake icings and desserts look great. Measuring customer-based brand equityHR managers used questionnaires to find how customers feel about the brand. They used the indirect approach with different qualitative and projective techniques (the questionnaire contained some questions related to sentence completion and brand personality description). They used this to understand customers’ feelings for the brand. The managers agree that ENGRO Foods has helped improve the image for Olper’s. They assessed the leverage of secondary associations in this case by comparing the company’s characteristic with the characteristics of Olperâ €™s. Managing customer-based brand equityThe organization is managing the customer based brand equity because they realize the significance of marketing activities and their effect on creating more value for the brand, and so by influencing brand knowledge, sales can be improved. Olper’s is concentrating on the emotional aspect in their ads in order to focus on the core need of customers that can be satisfied. Olper’s has also funded Women’s exhibition in Karachi a few months ago and currently is sponsoring cricket World Cup 2007, and further adding more value to the brand and managing customer-based brand equity. REFERENCES http://www. oracle. com/us/corporate/customers/engro-foods-crm-on-deman-078691. pdf †¢ http://engro. com/ †¢ http://engro. com/our-businesses/engro-foods-limited/ †¢ http://engro. com/fact-sheet-engro-foods-limited/ †¢ http://www. theideaartist. com/index. php/tag/engro/ †¢ http://www. managementparadise. com/for ums/marketing-management/209200-marketing-mix-engro-corporation. html †¢ http://guppu. com/2009/04/11/engro-foods-launches-omore-marketing-review/ †¢ http://www. pakvisit. com/jobs/jobs%20in%20engro%20foods%20Pakistan. html †¢ http://engro. com/wp-content/themes/engro-v1. /pdf/quarterlyreport2011/engro-food-sep-2011. pdf †¢ http://pakmediablog. net/220/omore-files/ †¢ http://pressrelease. pk/fmcg/engro-foods-launches-tarang-bhara-des-campaign/ â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Geographic Demographic Psychographic Behavioral †¢ Nations †¢ States †¢ Countries †¢ Province †¢ Age †¢ Family †¢ Gender †¢ Income †¢ Social class †¢ Life style †¢ Personality †¢ Values †¢ Benefits †¢ Loyalty †¢ User status †¢ User rate Olper’s Olper’s Milk Olper’s Cream Olper’s Olwell Olper’s Olfrute Olper’s Owsum 1. Defining the comp etitive frame of reference 2. Establish the points of difference 3. Establish the points of parity
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